PheasantSwap Tokenomics
PheasantSwap will issue a governance token named PheasantSwap Token (PST) with a maximum supply of 10 billion tokens.
The platform's philosophy centers around the community and users, The platform belongs 100% to the users,and the platform token will be fairly launched through donations, which will be used for liquidity additions.
Fair launch donations: 10%, 1,000,000,000 PST.
Initial liquidity addition: 10%, 1,000,000,000 PST.
User airdrop: 5%, 500,000,000 PST.
Liquidity mining: 75%, 7,500,000,000 PST.
10% will be donated by the community through a fair launch distribution.
10% + the donated NULS、BNB will be combined to create the (PST-NULS、PST-BNB) trading pair, added to the liquidity pool, and permanently locked.
5% will be used for airdrops to early adopters and potential users of the platform.
75% will be generated through liquidity mining and used to reward LPs who provide liquidity on the platform and stake on the Farm.
Liquidity mining will be launched once PST liquidity TVL reaches $1,000,000.
User airdrops will be launched once PST liquidity TVL reaches $5,000,000, with priority given to early platform users and then potential users.
10% of every sale of PST on PhesantSwap will be burned.
Last updated